Purchase of forest immovables is performed as a notarial transaction. To receive a price quote, please call us or send us the cadastral number of your immovable property and your contact information. Forest management plan or forest notification are not necessary. We will answer to you as soon as possible.
The forest owner can sell the right to cut a standing crop in two ways: Based on the value of the standing crop and based on the yield of timber material. In the first case, the client gets the whole amount after assessment of the timber and entering into the contract. In the second case, the final amount is calculated after realization of the timber material.
Please find the price table of the forest transport under menu point Services. We started more than 15 years ago. During that quite a long period, our skillful team has obtained experience and professional work practices that ensure you sound and carefree cooperation.
We provide convenient and environmentally timber material harvesting service. We use reliable and modern technology, and works are performed by professionals of the area with long work experience. Honesty, loyalty and professionalism are the keywords we follow in the partnership.
Honesty, loyalty and professionalism are the keywords we follow in the partnership. We have achieved considerable and stable development thanks to the trust of our good cooperation partners and successful cooperation.
We can be a sound and dependable partner to you in the following arears: forest management, timber transport, purchase and sales of forest immovables, purchase of the cutting right of the standing crop and cutting, hauling and dragging services.
Distance | Basic price
0-5 km | 2,60 eur/m3
6-10 km | 2,70 eur/m3
11-15 km | 2,90 eur/m3
16-20 km | 3,00 eur/m3
21-25 km | 3,20 eur/m3
26-30 km | 3,40 eur/m3
31-35 km | 3,80 eur/m3
36-40 km | 4,20 eur/m3
41-45 km | 4,50 eur/m3
46-50 km | 4,90 eur/m3
51-55 km | 5,40 eur/m3
56-60 km | 5,80 eur/m3
61-65 km | 6,30 eur/m3
66-70 km | 6,60 eur/m3
71-75 km | 6,70 eur/m3
On return travel, the km price passed unladen – from tariff in percentage = 75%
Distance | Basic price
76-80 km | 6,80 eur/m3
81-85 km | 7,00 eur/m3
86-90 km | 7,30 eur/m3
91-95 km | 7,60 eur/m3
96-100 km | 7,90 eur/m3
101-105 km | 8,10 eur/m3
106-110 km | 8,40 eur/m3
111-115 km | 8,50 eur/m3
116-120 km | 9,00 eur/m3
121-125 km | 9,20 eur/m3
126-130 km | 9,50 eur/m3
131-135 km | 9,60 eur/m3
136-140 km | 9,80 eur/m3
141-145 km | 10,00 eur/m3
146-150 km | 10,30 eur/m3
On return travel, the km price passed unladen – from tariff in percentage = 80%
Distance | Basic price
151-155 km | 10,60 eur/m3
156-160 km | 10,80 eur/m3
161-165 km | 11,10 eur/m3
166-170 km | 11,40 eur/m3
171-175 km | 11,70 eur/m3
176-180 km | 12,00 eur/m3
181-185 km | 12,20 eur/m3
186-190 km | 12,40 eur/m3
191-195 km | 12,50 eur/m3
196-200 km | 12,70 eur/m3
201-205 km | 12,80 eur/m3
206-210 km | 13,00 eur/m3
211-215 km | 13,50 eur/m3
216-220 km | 13,90 eur/m3
221-225 km | 14,00 eur/m3
On return travel, the km price passed unladen – from tariff in percentage = 85%
Distance | Basic price
226-230 km | 14,20 eur/m3
231-235 km | 14,40 eur/m3
236-240 km | 14,60 eur/m3
241-245 km | 14,80 eur/m3
246-250 km | 15,00 eur/m3
251-255 km | 15,20 eur/m3
256-260 km | 15,40 eur/m3
261-265 km | 15,60 eur/m3
266-270 km | 15,80 eur/m3
271-275 km | 16,00 eur/m3
276-280 km | 16,20 eur/m3
281-285 km | 16,40 eur/m3
286-290 km | 16,60 eur/m3
291-295 km | 16,80 eur/m3
296-300 km | 17,00 eur/m3
301-305 km | 17,20 eur/m3
306-310 km | 17,40 eur/m3
311-315 km | 17,60 eur/m3
316-320 km | 17,80 eur/m3
321-325 km | 18,00 eur/m3
On return travel, the km price passed unladen – from tariff in percentage = 90%